This file contains results of an MR analysis of the effect of BIRC5 gene expression on risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease in MR-Base, in response to the letter titled “Association between telomere length and risk of cancer and non-neoplastic diseases: is SURVIVIN the Ariadne's thread?”, published in JAMA Oncology. The results were derived from summary data made available by the following consortia and studies: GTEx, CARDIoGRAMplusC4D, C4D, ILCCO, PanScan1 and Capasso et al (PMID 23222812). Further details on the analysis can be found in the accompanying R script. The results file contains information on: id.outcome: ID for the trait in available_outcomes() id.exposure: ID for the exposure outcome: name of the outcome exposure: name of the exposure method: Mendelian randomization method used nsnp: number of SNPs in the analysis b: log odds ratio per unit increase in BIRC5 gene expression se: standard error of b pval: p value for null hypothesis of no association fdr: false discovery rate author: first author of the outcome GWAS category: outcome category consortium: name of GWAS consortium for the outcome ncase: number of cases for the outcome ncontrol: number of controls for the outcome pmid: pubmed ID population: population background for the outcome study sample_size: sample size sex: outcome GWAS contains males or females or both subcategory: subcategory for the outcome trait: outcome trait year: year outcome GWAS published OR: Odds ratio for outcome trait per unit increase in BIRC5 gene expression LCI: lower 95% confidence interval for odds ratio UCI: upper 95% confidence interval for odds ratio